Consultation January 2023 Family Law

As you read my submission you will find grammar errors, sentences too long, the arguments not made as succinctly, or as well as I would like along with other issues. I apologise in advance however this paper was difficult to write in the timeframe allowed. I also wanted to get it out in advance of the close out date so that it may help others prepare their submissions. When I submitted I was considering updating the version but there is so much wrong with this proposed legislation that I doubt I could ever get all that is needed in a submission and it is likely to fall on deaf ears.

I also wanted to include things like the behaviours of cluster B personalities in that they can often come across as the best parent as these master manipulators often present as Cool, Calm, Charming and Convincing yet a targeted parent can appear Anxious, Agitated, Angry and Afraid and yet they are behaving normally in their situation. They have:

  • in the early stages of separation from these Cluster B personalities suffered possibly years of psychological abuse,
  • just had their children abducted,
  • fearful the abduction will be permanent,
  • many organisations seeing the alienating parent cannot read the signs so side with the what appears to be a rational (but actually and extremely dangerous) parent and
  • they cannot, and are prevented from protecting their children.  

I truly hope that many of you are able to cobble together a submission, visit your MP but unfortunately, they probably will not speak up as those proposing this incredibly bad legislation are well connected and influential. Party rules will also prevent labour politicians from saying anything against their minster (if greens they will be complicit with labour). Those in the liberal party will rely on the opposition Shadow Attorney General whose chief advisor claims to have had the Shadow Attorney General’s opinion on this legislation published in the Australian (I could not find with the Australian’s search function so if someone sends me a copy it will be appreciated). His advisor also claimed to be working incredible hours on “the voice” so the concerns of the voice of the child in this legislation appear to have fallen on deaf ears.

In any case get your submission in. Submissions close tomorrow 27 Feb 2023 (they picked the shortest month in the year and then claimed that the matters already discussed and hence the short time frame to comment). You can read more and lodge your submission at  or by the email provided or at least demand more time.

Spoiler alert: When I lodged mine the registration number came back as ID is ANON-…… so just like the Joint Parliamentary inquiry expect my voice to be silenced by the powers to be and hence they have lost any legitimacy to represent me!


