Category: Uncategorized

  • The Impact of lies and coercive control for money

    The Impact of lies and coercive control for money

    Recent articles in The Australian of a “Father fights $10k in compensation on false sex abuse victim” is about the case of Grainger, where his daughter will receive compensation from the NSW Victims Services when she reaches the age of 18, as a victim of rape perpetrated by Grainger (the father), filed by the mother,…

  • Under resourced and poorly managed – The Joint Parliamentary Inquiry into Family Law

    Under resourced and poorly managed – The Joint Parliamentary Inquiry into Family Law

    In my recent blog “Why the parliamentary inquiry into family law is failing” I outlined the various reasons for my concerns and will now elaborate on the speed of processing the submissions. I will treat the reader as a thinking person rather than unintelligent so ask you to look at the graphic and draw your…

  • Why the parliamentary inquiry into family law is failing

    Why the parliamentary inquiry into family law is failing

    The Joint Select Committee on Australia’s Family Law System may have now proven what many have stated in the past in that we need a Royal Commission. This is not saying that the senior people on the committee are not acting appropriately and doing their best as I must say, I support their efforts. We…

  • The outcome for the child of S-

    The outcome for the child of S-

    In Chapter 23 I outlined the various player in “The Family Separation Industry” and how the industry contributes to the disgraceful outcomes for parents and children. I also outlined the case of S- and the years of mistreatment of the infant facilitated by the social workers. Unfortunately, I had to close the book at a…

  • Scott Morrison – I hope you are listening!

    Scott Morrison – I hope you are listening!

    For many years we have watched governments bicker and act like disruptive children in our parliament. In the lead up to the 2019 Australian Federal election, party rules of both the major parties recognised the people were fed up with the backstabbing and changes in leadership between elections and altered their party processes. The sitting…

  • What drove me to write The Pinball Machine?

    What drove me to write The Pinball Machine?

    The preface to the book answers this question and contains the five main reasons in greater detail: I also witnessed: In Australia (and in other countries) we need better information to the facts so that can discuss things rationally and with facts rather than distorted perspectives. It is for this and other reasons that needed…

  • The Family Separation Industry, human needs and fear

    The Family Separation Industry, human needs and fear

    If you are into psychology and a fan of Maslow and the hierarchy of needs then you will appreciate how easily fear and conflict can develop when it is promoted in an adversarial system, where the players are lining their pockets and become dependent upon it for their livelihood. As was eloquently put by a…

  • World Mental Health Day and Parental Alienation

    World Mental Health Day and Parental Alienation

    I recently wrote a blog on RU OK day on 10 September 2019 and highlighted the plight of one friend that will no longer see her children in circumstances driven by what is commonly referred to as Parental Alienation. I have seen various constructs of why people develop mental health issues be they: but one…

  • What should we want from the “Joint Select Committee on Australia’s Family Law System”?

    What should we want from the “Joint Select Committee on Australia’s Family Law System”?

    So why have I published this on World Mental Health Day? Our children and parents that have been mistreated by the Family Separation Industry and this mistreatment has been the cause of enormous amount of mental health issues and suicide. This gross mistreatment requires a formal apology, just as the Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd…

  • RUOK .. NO I am not! Parental Alienation

    RUOK .. NO I am not! Parental Alienation

    My daughter is the victim of Parental Alienation and as a protective loving parent, knowing and experiencing how mental health, the Family Law Industry, ideology and vested interests intersect is devastating every single day. It was only a few weeks ago that several of us teamed up together to prevent a mother completing suicide from…